#WCAP: Our Wrap Capp tm Cotton Jersey Headwear is available in black, white, natural off-white, royal blue, navy blue, multi-stripe (1/8″ white, purple, green stripes), teal, cherry red, & aqua! Light and cool; medium thickness fabrics.
1-3pc: $18/pc. 4-5pc: $17.50/pc. 6-11pc: $17/pc.
12pc: $16/pc. ***
***Quantity, Wholesale, & Distributor discounts are available to qualified businesses.
Please contact us on our new website, call, fax, or e-mail, to place your order or for assistance.
POLLY PRODUCTS Headwear Turbans, Relax Caps, Scarves, and Wrap Capps tm #WCAPXX
Other headwear wig caps, wave caps, and many other style Fashion-Aura tm caps, hats, turbans, scarves, etc. are also available. Also, our T-Pins, fishnet caps, Bob Pins, Hair Pins, and more are also available from Brilliante Beauty/Polly Products Co..